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All churches and denominations have distinctions that make them unique and identifiable.
Here is some of what makes CMCC distinct.


CMCC positions itself in the evangelical theological stream of Protestant Christianity. We adhere to the Apostles' Creed and to the core doctrines of the Protestant Reformation, namely and ultimately and essential authority of the Scriptures for Christian faith and practice, justification by faith, and the priesthood of all believers. We believe in the Holy Trinity (that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit), that Jesus was born of a virgin, that he was physically raised from the dead, and that an individual's personal relationship to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior determines that individual's eternal destiny in heaven or hell. The fulfillment of Jesus' great commission to make disciples of all nations is central to the focus of CMCC.


We worship using guitars, keyboards, drums, and modern songs. The lyrics are just as holy and wonderful as hymns, but the music style is modern. In our worship services people are free to lift their hands in praise to God. It is generally a more expressive type of worship than a traditional service.


We invite all of our members to participate in the ministry. We believe that a pastor's job includes teaching people how to be Jesus' hands and feet to our world. Leadership training and development is essential to the work of CMCC. Senior citizen's ministry, live nativities, shut in visitation, nursing home ministry, and National Day of Prayer community service are just a few of the regular community outreaches of CMCC. As a member of the Greater Margaretville Area Interfaith Council, CMCC also participates in the following community activities: monthly minister meetings, regional food pantry, Good Friday service, Easter sunrise service, Thanksgiving service, and Baccalaureate service.


Catskill Mountain Christian Center is an apostolic, New Testament church and ministry organization affiliated with the National Association of Evangelicals, CitiHope International, Greater Margaretville Area Interfaith Council, International Coalition of Apostles, LEAD: Leadership Education for Apostolic Development, Eagles’ Wings Ministries and Open Bible Faith Fellowship of Canada.


Catskill Mountain Christian Center (CMCC) originated as non-denominational charismatic Bible study in the early 1980's. Since that time we have been welcoming people near and far from God, home.


Here's a personal invitation and information about what you can expect when visiting Catskill Mountain Christian Center. 

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